Mid-April saw the SCCU crew and volunteers head north to join members of the Coigach community and volunteers from North West Highland Beach Cleans, to help tackle a couple of marine litter hotspots that had been identified by locals.
Despite the predicted gloomy weather that had been forecasted earlier in the week, we were treated to some rather fine west coast spring sunshine!

Not only were we made to feel incredibly welcome, but we also worked alongside an amazing community of local beach cleaners to help clear these beautiful beaches of washed-up plastic pollution…all while sharing stories and learning about this incredible area and its rich and diverse history.
On Friday we were joined by a German hitchhiker, who after been given a lift north from one of the SCCU crew, who was then persuaded to join us for a day. We were also joined by a holiday maker, who having just parked up to go kayaking, was then mistaken for a beach cleaning volunteer and rather than kayak as planned, came out beach cleaning instead.

We decided, that with of all these new friends, a meal in the Fuaran Bar was a fitting way to end a busy day of beach cleaning.
On the Friday, we welcomed the team from Caledonian Horticulture, who are currently producing a documentary that will explore the work that ourselves and other charities and individuals are doing to tackle the increasing issue of plastic pollution on Scotland’s coastline. You can read all about it here:

We would like to say special thanks to local resident Alison, who runs Ali Mac Candles, for all her valuable local knowledge and amazing hospitality while we were there.
Thanks also to the crew of Claudia for helping move collected rubbish and to the crew of Clan Gordon, who along with members from the Coigach community rowing club and their boat Lily Rose, made for a rather special and memorable removal of collected rubbish on the Sunday.